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Newland goes dutch!


With "Bitter" Newland releases his first full album in the dutch language.

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Morning sun is de derde single afkomstig van het 9e solo album, "The Silent Language"

Ook  "Morning sun" is weer te vinden op alle streamingsdiensten, zoals Spotify, Deezer en Applemusic.

De bijbehorende clip werd opgenomen op de Peloponessos in Griekenland

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Scherm­afbeelding 2024-09-05 om 14.25.54.png


The Silent Language is nog maar net uit en heeft toch al een paar ronkende recensies gekregen!

"Recensies" Ben je benieuwd wat de kenners te melden hebben over mijn nieuwe album?

Lees verder bij "Recensies"



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Arm Candy
De eerste single van de liveband NewLandSlide


De liveband NewLandSlide heeft onlangs haar eerste single uitgebracht."Arm Candy"

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Twice as cool (Thinking of you) is a new single that has been released April 19 

Inbetween albums I like to release some singles. It's a way to keep in touch with my listeners and to let loose some new songs. .

Newland - Twice as cool.jpg


On the 1st of december there will be a new album. It will be available on CD and all digital platforms

TRUST-HOPE-LOVE, the 8th solo album will be released on the 1st of december. It will be available on CD and all digital platforms. So be sure to check it out!

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Check out the video that comes with the new single "Don't let me lose this dream"on Youtube!

"Don't let me lose this dream" is also available with a nice little clip on Youtube. Go and check it out!

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Eyecandy will be released on the 3rd of February. It's Newland's 7th studioalbum

Eyecandy is available from all streaming platforms from the 3rd of February 2023.  The album contains 12 new tracks and is also available on CD

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Barefoot and tired.png


As a precursor to the new album that will be released soon there is a new single

Barefoot and tired is available from all streaming platforms from 28th October. But 21 October there is the official release on Youtube at 21.00. Be sure to check it out!

Barefoot and tired.png


Newland has reached 111,000 streams on Spotify

Are you already listening, following and liking Newland on Spotify?



Star collector got a great review in the dutch newspaper, Het Friesch Dagblad

Schermafbeelding 2022-01-06 om 15.33.28.png


Videoclip of the new single "Beat the clock is now available on Youtube

Videoclip from the song "Beat the clock"  is now available on youtube.

Go check it!

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Schermafbeelding 2021-07-22 om 08.04.11.png


Newland has a live cast once more. Touring later this year

After Covid misery, NEWLAND once more formed as a live band also. Touring will start later this year or beginning of 2022

Schermafbeelding 2021-07-22 om 08.04.11.png


First new single of 2021 out on January the 29th.
Brave new normal

Written in april 2020, Brave new normal talks about Covid and our lives being in a sort of a new normal. But we all long for old times to return! Now in 2021 the lyrics are still up to date.

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-25 om 15.26.48.


A nice new review on "Tomorrowland" in Lust for life magazine No. 106    

30 years ago I played in the band Pretty Green. Now the same journalist that interviewed me then wrote a review on "Tomorrowland! (see reviews)

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-25 om 15.26.48.
Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.14.27.


Videoclip from the song "Deinum dreams" is now available on Youtube. Go check it out!

Videoclip from the song "Deinum dreams"  is now available on youtube.

Go check it!

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.14.27.


Video clip of the title song of the new album, Tomorrowland, now available on youtube

To support the new album there is a videoclip available of the title song, Tomorrowland

Newland - Great expectations.jpg

22 April 2020

New single, "Great expectations" was released on March 30

This new single was not on the last album. So you can enjoy listening to a brand new Newland song on this site and Spotify, Apple music and Deezer

Newland - Great expectations.jpg

12 February 2020

Blog.. blog.. blog.... Be sure to read our irregular blog and keep updated

Talking about some historic background. tarting as a one man band, evolving into a exciting live band. Read all about it in our blogs


1 December 2019

First try out gig was a big succes!

We played our first ever gig in this formation on 1 December 2019 in Emmeloord. We were very satisfied with how it sounded and the crowd reacted positively

Nieuwland - Als ik er niet meer ben.jpg


The first single from "Bitter" is out!

"Als ik er niet meer ben" is the first single taken from the album "Bitter"

Nieuwland - Als ik er niet meer ben.jpg
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-07 om 10.07.50.png


NewlandWoods komt met tweede single, "The Ghost in me".


Newlandwoods is de samenwerking van Alex met Klaas Bos, tevens bassist in NewLandSlide. Halloween leek een mooie gelegenheid om het griezelig mooie "The Ghost in me" uit te brengen.

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The Silent Language
Newland's 9e studio album is nu online


In eigen beheer opgenomen en alle liedjes, zang en instrumenten verzorgt is hier: The Silent Language

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Tu es la, is de Franstalige single van Scarlet. Gezongen door Else van der Greft. Met clip!

Tu es la is geschreven en geproduceerd door mij en gezongen door Else van der Greft. Uiteraard vergezeld van een videoclip!

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Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-28 om 13.23.19.png


On the New album is a duet, SHINE. Check out the videoclip on Youtube!

A duet with Else van der Greft from the new album has a videoclip on Youtube.

Check it out here:

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NewLandSlide, the live band of Newland will play in IJlst on the 11th of November

"It will be the first gig under the name, NewLandSlide. Besides songs from the albums and singles tyou will hear some new songs too. So be sure not to miss it!

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Newland - Dont let me lose this dream.jpg


New single, "Don't let me lose this dream" released on the 23rd of August

Two brand new songs are released today. "Don't let me lose this dream" and "No way out". Check it out!

Newland - Dont let me lose this dream.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2023-02-02 om 09.25.55.png


Playing live as a band will be the next exciting thing in 2023.

Newland has found 4 great musicians to help bring the songs live on stage. To differ the liveband from the studio-artist the band will play under the name "NewLandSlide" or NLS


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Newland - Joan of Arc.jpg


New single is released on the 31st of May 2022.   Check out "Joan of Arc"

Available on all streaming platforms. For example, Spotify

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Schermafbeelding 2022-02-04 om 12.06.32.png


Watch all songs from the new album as videoclips on Youtube

Every songs of STAR COLLECTOR has a videoclip. Watch them all on Youtube!

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Star collector.jpg


Star collector is now online and available on all streaming platforms

Star collector.jpg
Star collector.jpg


6th studio album to be released on January the 21st

STAR COLLECTOR is the title of the 6th album to be released on CD and streaming platforms on January 21st 2022

Star collector.jpg
Everything I never told you.jpg


 "Everything I never told you", out on July 23th is the new single

Already the 18th NEWLAND single. "Everything I never told you" is out today and available on all streaming services. Go and check it out!!

Everything I never told you.jpg


New single, "IF", out on April 30th. Available on all streaming services

A fresh, happy uptempo tune. With guest appearances of Gilbert Terpstra on drums and Jenny Piso on backing vocals. Out 30th of April on all streaming services.

Borderline barbie.jpg


New single out now! "Borderline Barbie" shows Newland heavier than before

Proud to present yet another single. "Borderline Barbie is heavier and slightly different. Check it on all digital platforms.

Borderline barbie.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.22.42.


Playing live and acoustic for radio and tv on Omrop Fryslan with the new song, "Brave new normal"

In my own living room playing live and acoustic a new song called "Brave new normal"

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.22.42.


5th album, Tomorrowland released. Same passion, different sound!

Tomorrowland is the 5th studio album of Newland. A slightly different sound but still full of passion meaningful lyrics . Check it on streamingsites



Newland becomes Nieuwland releasing a single in  dutch language

The 1st of September sees the release of the single "ALLES". It's in the dutch language and for occasion NEWLAND becomes NIEUWLAND

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12 February 2020

First full concert was a huge succes

It was a rainy and stormy night but lots of people still got to see our first full concert in Leeuwarden. The spirit was great! Hopefully in autumn there will be lots more!

Newland - The emperor of ice cream.jpg

12 February 2020

New album, "The Emperor of ice cream", out on March 1

As the band is busy rehearsing for the upcoming gigs and festivals, One man band worked in the studio on the 4th album.

Newland - The emperor of ice cream.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.

1 December 2019

Check tour dates for our upcoming shows

In 2020 we will be playing live a lot. Find out where in the menu under tour. Want us to play in your venue or festival. Under Boekingen you will find all info you need. 

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.
Nieuwland - Als ik er niet meer ben.jpg


Videoclip available for the new single

"Als ik er niet meer ben" has a nice videoclip

Nieuwland - Als ik er niet meer ben.jpg
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-12-10 om 15.07.54.png


Solo in Stereo is de nieuwste single afkomstig van "The Silent Language"

Solo in Stereo kun je vinden op alle streamingsdiensten. Er is ook een videoclip bij gemaakt, te vinden op Youtube.

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She Says
De eerste single van het binnenkort te verschijnen album, The Silent Language


Binnenkort verschijnt het 9e studio album, The Silent Language. She says is daarvan de 1e single.

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Frisian Chameleon brengt de tweede EP uit. Scarlet.

Frisian Chameleon is mijn alterego. Songs in een andere stijl als Newland. Elke EP een andere stijl, een andere kleur. Dit keer Scarlet. Gastzangeres: Else van der Greft.

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Newland plays live with a band under the name: NewLandSlide.
Follow on Facebook!

NewLandSlide plays songs from the Newland catalogue and some band originals too. Follow them here:​

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Want to know all about what is going on behind the scenes? Check out the blog sector on this site

Read all about the new album, the collaborations and the live gigs in the blog sector of this site. It will give you some nice background information with the music!

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Frisian Chameleon - Violet.jpg


Newland Pseudonym "Frisian Chameleon" launches debut EP, "Violet"

The EP "Violet" was released on the 24th of May. The reason this pseudonym is used is because the music style is completely different, Lounge!

Frisian Chameleon - Violet.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2023-02-02 om 09.40.09.png


A videoclip of the album opener is available on Youtube now

"The day John met Paul" is the opener of the album "Eyecandy". You can check out the videoclip now on Youtube:


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Schermafbeelding 2022-06-04 om 12.57.13.png


The new single, "Joan of Arc" has a nice video on Youtube


Nice new videoclip on Youtube for the new single "Joan of Arc"

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Star collector also got a great review by 3 voor 12 Friesland 

Beat the clock.jpg


The First single of the new album is "Beat the clock" Check!k!!

In anticipation of the new album there is a new single released, Beat the clock" It's available on all streaming platforms

Beat the clock.jpg
Everything I never told you.jpg


 "Everything I never told you" also has a videoclip on `Youtube

Listen to the new NEWLAND tune and watch the videoclip on Youtube. Watch and enjoy!

Everything I never told you.jpg
Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg


Brave new normal. The 1st single of 2021. Watch the videoclip now on youtube

Written in april 2020, Brave new normal talks about Covid and our lives being in a sort of a new normal. But we all long for old times to return!

Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg
Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg


Busy working on new songs. Of course Covid en being locked down is a big inspiration

Already busy working on new songs again. There's tons already but I'm taking my time. Working title: "Brave new normal"

Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.16.40.


There is also a videoclip available for the song, "Truly, madly, better on youtube.

Videoclip for the new song, "Truly, madly, better" from the album "Tomorrowland"

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.16.40.
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Lyrics clip available of "Ball and chain". The album opener of Tomorrowland

To support the new album there is a lyrics videoclip available of the album opener, Ball and chain.

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Newland - Drowning butterflies.png

2 June 2020

Friday 29th of May release of the single "Drowning butterflies", 

Friday the 29th of May saw the release of the single, "Drowning butterflies".  A non album song with a biting lyric and a ripping riff.

Newland - Drowning butterflies.png

12 February 2020

Clip with lyrics of the song, "Elvis" now available in Media

The song about dreaming and while doing it meeting famous people that you admire. Who doesn't do that every once in a while?
Newland - Just like Bowie.jpg

21 January 2020

New single, "Just like Bowie", out on January 24

All our followers, friends, music lovers. Thank you for your support / interest / inspiration. Hopefully 2020 will be a fantastic and musical year! Hope to see you again.

Newland - Just like Bowie.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.

1 December 2019

Check tour dates for our upcoming shows

In 2020 we will be playing live a lot. Find out where in the menu under tour. Want us to play in your venue or festival. Under Boekingen you will find all info you need. 

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.


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Eyecandy will be released on the 3rd of February. It's Newland's 7th studioalbum

Eyecandy is available from all streaming platforms from the 3rd of February 2023.  The album contains 12 new tracks and is also available on CD

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Barefoot and tired.png


As a precursor to the new album that will be released soon there is a new single

Barefoot and tired is available from all streaming platforms from 28th October. But 21 October there is the official release on Youtube at 21.00. Be sure to check it out!

Barefoot and tired.png


Newland has reached 111,000 streams on Spotify

Are you already listening, following and liking Newland on Spotify?



Star collector got a great review in the dutch newspaper, Het Friesch Dagblad

Schermafbeelding 2022-01-06 om 15.33.28.png


Videoclip of the new single "Beat the clock is now available on Youtube

Videoclip from the song "Beat the clock"  is now available on youtube.

Go check it!

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Schermafbeelding 2021-07-22 om 08.04.11.png


Newland has a live cast once more. Touring later this year

After Covid misery, NEWLAND once more formed as a live band also. Touring will start later this year or beginning of 2022

Schermafbeelding 2021-07-22 om 08.04.11.png


First new single of 2021 out on January the 29th.

Brave new normal

Written in april 2020, Brave new normal talks about Covid and our lives being in a sort of a new normal. But we all long for old times to return! Now in 2021 the lyrics are still up to date.

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-25 om 15.26.48.


A nice new review on "Tomorrowland" in Lust for life magazine No. 106    

30 years ago I played in the band Pretty Green. Now the same journalist that interviewed me then wrote a review on "Tomorrowland! (see reviews)

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-25 om 15.26.48.
Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.14.27.


Videoclip from the song "Deinum dreams" is now available on Youtube. Go check it out!

Videoclip from the song "Deinum dreams"  is now available on youtube.

Go check it!

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.14.27.


Video clip of the title song of the new album, Tomorrowland, now available on youtube

To support the new album there is a videoclip available of the title song, Tomorrowland

Newland - Great expectations.jpg

22 April 2020

New single, "Great expectations" was released on March 30

This new single was not on the last album. So you can enjoy listening to a brand new Newland song on this site and Spotify, Apple music and Deezer

Newland - Great expectations.jpg

12 February 2020

Blog.. blog.. blog.... Be sure to read our irregular blog and keep updated

Talking about some historic background. tarting as a one man band, evolving into a exciting live band. Read all about it in our blogs


1 December 2019

First try out gig was a big succes!

We played our first ever gig in this formation on 1 December 2019 in Emmeloord. We were very satisfied with how it sounded and the crowd reacted positively

Schermafbeelding 2023-02-02 om 09.25.55.png


Playing live as a band will be the next exciting thing in 2023.

Newland has found 4 great musicians to help bring the songs live on stage. To differ the liveband from the studio-artist the band will play under the name "NewLandSlide" or NLS


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Newland - Joan of Arc.jpg


New single is released on the 31st of May 2022.   Check out "Joan of Arc"

Available on all streaming platforms. For example, Spotify

Newland - Joan of Arc.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2022-02-04 om 12.06.32.png


Watch all songs from the new album as videoclips on Youtube

Every songs of STAR COLLECTOR has a videoclip. Watch them all on Youtube!

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Star collector.jpg


Star collector is now online and available on all streaming platforms

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Star collector.jpg


6th studio album to be released on January the 21st

STAR COLLECTOR is the title of the 6th album to be released on CD and streaming platforms on January 21st 2022

Star collector.jpg
Everything I never told you.jpg


 "Everything I never told you", out on July 23th is the new single

Already the 18th NEWLAND single. "Everything I never told you" is out today and available on all streaming services. Go and check it out!!

Everything I never told you.jpg


New single, "IF", out on April 30th. Available on all streaming services

A fresh, happy uptempo tune. With guest appearances of Gilbert Terpstra on drums and Jenny Piso on backing vocals. Out 30th of April on all streaming services.

Borderline barbie.jpg


New single out now! "Borderline Barbie" shows Newland heavier than before

Proud to present yet another single. "Borderline Barbie is heavier and slightly different. Check it on all digital platforms.

Borderline barbie.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.22.42.


Playing live and acoustic for radio and tv on Omrop Fryslan with the new song, "Brave new normal"

In my own living room playing live and acoustic a new song called "Brave new normal"

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.22.42.


5th album, Tomorrowland released. Same passion, different sound!

Tomorrowland is the 5th studio album of Newland. A slightly different sound but still full of passion meaningful lyrics . Check it on streamingsites



Newland becomes Nieuwland releasing a single in  dutch language

The 1st of September sees the release of the single "ALLES". It's in the dutch language and for occasion NEWLAND becomes NIEUWLAND

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12 February 2020

First full concert was a huge succes

It was a rainy and stormy night but lots of people still got to see our first full concert in Leeuwarden. The spirit was great! Hopefully in autumn there will be lots more!

Newland - The emperor of ice cream.jpg

12 February 2020

New album, "The Emperor of ice cream", out on March 1

As the band is busy rehearsing for the upcoming gigs and festivals, One man band worked in the studio on the 4th album.

Newland - The emperor of ice cream.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.

1 December 2019

Check tour dates for our upcoming shows

In 2020 we will be playing live a lot. Find out where in the menu under tour. Want us to play in your venue or festival. Under Boekingen you will find all info you need. 

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.
Schermafbeelding 2023-02-02 om 09.40.09.png


A videoclip of the album opener is available on Youtube now

"The day John met Paul" is the opener of the album "Eyecandy". You can check out the videoclip now on Youtube:


Schermafbeelding 2023-02-02 om 09.40.09.png
Schermafbeelding 2022-06-04 om 12.57.13.png


The new single, "Joan of Arc" has a nice video on Youtube


Nice new videoclip on Youtube for the new single "Joan of Arc"

Schermafbeelding 2022-06-04 om 12.57.13.png


Star collector also got a great review by 3 voor 12 Friesland 

Beat the clock.jpg


The First single of the new album is "Beat the clock" Check!k!!

In anticipation of the new album there is a new single released, Beat the clock" It's available on all streaming platforms

Beat the clock.jpg
Everything I never told you.jpg


 "Everything I never told you" also has a videoclip on `Youtube

Listen to the new NEWLAND tune and watch the videoclip on Youtube. Watch and enjoy!

Everything I never told you.jpg
Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg


Brave new normal. The 1st single of 2021. Watch the videoclip now on youtube

Written in april 2020, Brave new normal talks about Covid and our lives being in a sort of a new normal. But we all long for old times to return!

Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg
Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg


Busy working on new songs. Of course Covid en being locked down is a big inspiration

Already busy working on new songs again. There's tons already but I'm taking my time. Working title: "Brave new normal"

Blue and Yellow Starry Album Cover.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.16.40.


There is also a videoclip available for the song, "Truly, madly, better on youtube.

Videoclip for the new song, "Truly, madly, better" from the album "Tomorrowland"

Schermafbeelding 2020-11-04 om 16.16.40.
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Lyrics clip available of "Ball and chain". The album opener of Tomorrowland

To support the new album there is a lyrics videoclip available of the album opener, Ball and chain.

Black and Yellow Circle Band Logo.png
Newland - Drowning butterflies.png

2 June 2020

Friday 29th of May release of the single "Drowning butterflies", 

Friday the 29th of May saw the release of the single, "Drowning butterflies".  A non album song with a biting lyric and a ripping riff.

Newland - Drowning butterflies.png

12 February 2020

Clip with lyrics of the song, "Elvis" now available in Media

The song about dreaming and while doing it meeting famous people that you admire. Who doesn't do that every once in a while?
Newland - Just like Bowie.jpg

21 January 2020

New single, "Just like Bowie", out on January 24

All our followers, friends, music lovers. Thank you for your support / interest / inspiration. Hopefully 2020 will be a fantastic and musical year! Hope to see you again.

Newland - Just like Bowie.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.

1 December 2019

Check tour dates for our upcoming shows

In 2020 we will be playing live a lot. Find out where in the menu under tour. Want us to play in your venue or festival. Under Boekingen you will find all info you need. 

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-30 om 15.00.07.

1 November 2019

We are busy rehearsing for gigs

In 2020 we will go on the road and do many live gigs. At the moment we are very busy preparing for that in the rehearsing room. Come check the result any time soon!


9 September 2019

Meet the band, Part 5: Alex Nieuwland a.k.a Newland

After releasing three albums, practically doing all the singing and playing, Newland has formed a band to be able to play his repertoire live on stage.

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9 September 2019

Meet the band, Part 4: Peter van der Wal

Peter is a long tome musical companion and had played with Newland in mant bands and many concerts. Besides the guitar Peter also plays the synth.

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9 september 2019

Meet the band, Part 3: Dennis Wever

Lead guitarist Dennis Wever plays and has played in many bands and projects. There isn't a music style that he doesn't control!

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9 september 2019

Meet the band, Part 2: Bert Hoekstra

Our bass player Bert Hoekstra is very experienced. When he was without a band for a moment, Newland was able to capture him quickly

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9 september 2019

Meet the band, Part 1: Ido Korstanje

Self made man Ido Korstanje is responsible for the rhythms and beats of the band.  Is there anything he can't play?

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5 september 2019

New single out september 20

Fairytale, the new single, is released on all digital platforms on september the 20th

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One Man Band- How to Pick the Right Mult

4 september 2019

One man band no more

Newland will be playing live soon. Stay tuned for more info on who, how and where

One Man Band- How to Pick the Right Mult
Kopie van run.jpg

1 august 2019

Vaudeville and burlesque

The third NEWLAND album is available on USB. Find it in the shop and order!

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Newland - Heavan can wait.jpg

24 june 2019

Heaven can wait

Listen to Heaven can wait on Spotify and all other digital platforms. Don't forget a follow!

Newland - Heavan can wait.jpg
Newland - Never meant to be.png


Never meant to be

This single is not to be found on any album. Check it on Spotify and other digital media

Newland - Never meant to be.png


Newland covers

I enjoy doing covers too. Check this site every now and then which pearl of the past got covered.


© 2024 by NEWLAND. Proudly created with

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